current weather for Lar (India)
Lar is located near Belthara at 8mi↑, Mairwa at 11mi↑, Sikandarpur at 12mi↑, Maniar at 19mi↑, Kaparwāi at 20mi↑, Deoria at 24mi↑, Siwan at 25mi↑, Rasra at 26mi↑,
Elevation : 233ft
currently : 55°F sky clear at Lar

The current temperature is 55°F, the felt temperature is 55°F.
Wind direction from West with a speed of 4mph with gusts at 4mph.
The air is a little humid : relative air humidity is 31%.
Pressure is 30inHg.
weather last updated 2205 minutes
Sun rises in 12h51 and the sun is setting in 23h43. The duration of the night is 13h07.
Coming to Lar
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
- lar road train station at 4mi
- turtipar train station at 6mi
- salempur train station at 7mi
By plane :
- Kushinagar International airport at 40mi : book on
- Gorakhpur airport at 49mi : book on
- Lok Nayak Jayaprakash airport at 81mi : book on
Weather forecast for Lar (India)
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Sky will be covered by cloud a large part of the night and the day will be sunny.
the temperature will range from 59°F to 88°F
wind speed up to 9mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 28%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South West 5mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 21%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from West 3mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 13%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 6mph with gusts at 9mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 15%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 5mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 23%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 4mph with gusts at 4mph
Today Friday, March 7, 2025
Sky will be clear all night long and the day will be sunny.
the temperature will range from 61°F to 93°F
wind speed up to 12mph
high heat alert with 93°F at Lar

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 26%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South East 4mph with gusts at 4mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 29%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South East 2mph with gusts at 3mph

Sky clear
The air is a little humid : relative air humidity is 31%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 5mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 21%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South 4mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 12%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South 2mph with gusts at 4mph

Sky clear
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 9%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 7mph with gusts at 12mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 11%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 5mph with gusts at 6mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 20%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 8mph with gusts at 8mph
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Sky will be clear all night long and the day will be sunny.
the temperature will range from 63°F to 97°F
wind speed up to 8mph
high heat alert with 97°F at Lar

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 21%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 5mph with gusts at 6mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 24%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South East 4mph with gusts at 4mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 27%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 5mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 17%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 7mph with gusts at 8mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 11%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 7mph with gusts at 6mph

Sky clear
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 7%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 4mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 10%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 6mph with gusts at 6mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 17%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 8mph with gusts at 8mph
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sky will be clear all night long and the day will be sunny.
the temperature will range from 64°F to 99°F
wind speed up to 13mph
high heat alert with 99°F at Lar

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 20%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 6mph with gusts at 7mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 23%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 6mph with gusts at 6mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 27%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 8mph with gusts at 10mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 20%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 9mph with gusts at 13mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 10%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South East 8mph with gusts at 7mph

Sky clear
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 8%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North 5mph with gusts at 8mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 11%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North 6mph with gusts at 6mph

Broken clouds
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 16%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 7mph with gusts at 7mph
Monday, March 10, 2025
Sky will be clear all night long and the day will be dominated by the sun.
the temperature will range from 68°F to 102°F
wind speed up to 19mph
high heat alert with 102°F at Lar

Broken clouds
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 18%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North East 9mph with gusts at 13mph

Few clouds
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 21%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from East 4mph with gusts at 4mph

Few clouds
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 24%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South 3mph with gusts at 3mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 15%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South East 3mph with gusts at 3mph

Sky clear
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 8%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 6mph with gusts at 12mph

Few clouds
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 7%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 14mph with gusts at 18mph

Scattered clouds
The air is extremely dry : relative air humidity is 9%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 9mph with gusts at 14mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 14%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 7mph with gusts at 7mph
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Sky will be clear all night long and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening
the temperature will range from 68°F to 75°F
wind speed up to 5mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 17%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 4mph with gusts at 4mph

Sky clear
The air is very dry : relative air humidity is 19%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from North West 5mph with gusts at 5mph

Sky clear
The air is dry : relative air humidity is 21%.
pressure is 30inHg
Wind direction from South West 4mph with gusts at 4mph
Weather observation and forecast provided by OpenWeatherMap under CC BY-SA 4.0 license amended by aviation weather data.
- Hotels in Lar
- TianAn Rega Hotel (Beijing) at 2088mi↑
- Station de montagne Davos Klosters at 4193mi↑
- Station de montagne Saint-Moritz at 4196mi↑
- Station de montagne Arosa Lenzerheide at 4204mi↑
- Station de montagne Laax at 4219mi↑
- Hôtel Cour du Corbeau (Strasbourg) at 4270mi↑
- Hotel Origami (Strasbourg) at 4271mi↑
- for Mau airport at 32mi↑
- for Kushinagar International airport at 40mi↑
- for Andhau airport at 48mi↑
News Lar
Friday, January 5, 2024

Le Tour de France dans les Pyrénées
Le Tour de France 2024 passera deux étapes dans les Pyrénées
C’est un Tour de France qui s’adapté a l’été olympique qui été dévoilé par son directeur Christian Prudhomme. Un Tour qui commence en Italie pour finir à Nice, en ne passant que deux ét...
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Valérie Maugeri peintre des femmes et du détail
Avec Valérie Maugeri, la peinture se dévoile en deux temps. En regardant globalement ses combattantes aux yeux plantés dans celui du spectateur, en s’approchant en découvrir les détails.
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Claudine Couget, l’architecture des paysages
C’est les mains dans la terre et la tête dans l’architecture des paysages que Claudine Couget construit ses tableaux entre aléa de l’instant et précision géométrique.
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Le Tour de France dans les Pyrénées
Voir passer le Tour de France de Muret à Saint-Lary le 14 juillet
Troisième étape pyrénéenne pour le Tour de France 2021. Après l'étape Céret-Andorre-la-Vieille et Pas de la Case à Saint-Gaudens, les coureurs reprennent la route pyrénéenne vers l'ouest ave...
Weather news
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Alerte météo pour orages et vent violents sur le sud-ouest
Météo-France a placé le sud-ouest en alerte orange pour vent violent et orages. Un vent qui a déjà commencé à souffler en rafale en ce début d'après-midi. Mais le plus violent reste à venir.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Alerte orange sur les Hautes-Pyrénées, la tempête Barbara arrive
Le vent a commencé à souffler sur la façade ouest avec des vents à près de 200 km/h. Ce n'est que le début et Météo France a émis un bulletin d'alerte orange pour vent violent sur les Pyrén...
Monday, October 19, 2020

La tempête Barbara souffle à plus de 150 km/h sur les Hautes-Pyrénées
Le vent a commencé à souffler sur la façade ouest avec des vents à près de 200 km/h. Ce n'est que le début et Météo France a émis un bulletin d'alerte orange pour vent violent sur les Pyrén...
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Les Landes passent en vigilance rouge, Les Hautes-Pyrénées restent en vigilance orange
Les fortes pluies qui ont commencé hier sur tout le sud-ouest vont continuer aujourd'hui avec un bulletin de vigilance rouge pour les Landes et de vigilance orange par les départements qui vont des ...