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WorldwideLongest runways in EswatiniSpecial airports in EswatiniDefunct airports in EswatiniProposed in Eswatinihighest in Eswatinilowest in Eswatinimost northerly in Eswatinimost southerly in Eswatinialtiport in Eswatiniheliport in EswatiniIce runway in Eswatiniseaplane base in Eswatiniultralight airfield in Eswatiniballoonport in Eswatiniultralight seaplane base in Eswatiniultralight heliport in Eswatini

Top southern airports in Eswatini.

#1 Lavumisa airport at Lavumisa (Eswatini) FDGL

aéroport Lavumisa

Altitude : 172 m = 564ft

Lavumisa airport is located close to Lavumisa, Lavumisa at 1.1 km, Hluti at 29 km, Nsoko at 32 km, Mkuze at 36 km, Mhlosheni at 52 km, Big Bend at 56 km,

-> Aviation weather for Lavumisa airport

#2 Nhlangano airport at Nhlangano (Eswatini) FDNH

aéroport Nhlangano

Altitude : 1074 m = 3524ft

Nhlangano airport is located close to Nhlangano, Nhlangano at 1.2 km, Mahamba at 13 km, Mhlosheni at 18 km, Hlatikulu at 20 km, Kubuta at 38 km, Piet Retief at 41 km,

-> Aviation weather for Nhlangano airport

#3 Nsoko airport at Nsoko (Eswatini) FDNS

aéroport Nsoko

Altitude : 187 m = 614ft

Nsoko airport is located close to Nsoko, Nsoko at 1.7 km, Big Bend at 24 km, Lavumisa at 31 km, Hluti at 37 km, Kubuta at 48 km, Mhlosheni at 57 km,

-> Aviation weather for Nsoko airport

#4 Kubuta airport at Kubuta B (Eswatini) FDKB

aéroport Kubuta

Altitude : 474 m = 1555ft

Kubuta airport is located close to Kubuta B, Kubuta at 0.6 km, Hlatikulu at 20 km, Sidvokodvo at 29 km, Mhlosheni at 35 km, Nhlangano at 39 km, Hluti at 39 km,

-> Aviation weather for Kubuta airport

#5 Matata airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBM

aéroport Matata

Altitude : 152 m = 499ft

Matata airport is located close to Big Bend, Big Bend at 5.6 km, Nsoko at 19 km, Kubuta at 45 km, Siteki at 46 km, Lavumisa at 49 km, Hluti at 50 km,

-> Aviation weather for Matata airport

#6 Big Bend Sugar E airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBS

aéroport Big Bend Sugar E

Altitude : 165 m = 541ft

Big Bend Sugar E airport is located close to Big Bend, Big Bend at 3.8 km, Nsoko at 26 km, Siteki at 39 km, Kubuta at 42 km, Lubombo District at 45 km, Sidvokodvo at 51 km,

-> Aviation weather for Big Bend Sugar E airport

#7 Ubombo Ranches airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDUB

aéroport Ubombo Ranches

Altitude : 144 m = 472ft

Ubombo Ranches airport is located close to Big Bend, Big Bend at 5.1 km, Nsoko at 29 km, Siteki at 36 km, Lubombo District at 44 km, Kubuta at 47 km, Eswatini at 53 km,

-> Aviation weather for Ubombo Ranches airport

#8 Big Bend Tambuti airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBT

aéroport Big Bend Tambuti

Altitude : 181 m = 594ft

Big Bend Tambuti airport is located close to Big Bend, Big Bend at 18 km, Kubuta at 33 km, Lubombo District at 36 km, Siteki at 36 km, Sidvokodvo at 37 km, Nsoko at 37 km,

-> Aviation weather for Big Bend Tambuti airport

#9 Matsapha airport at Matshapa Manzini (Eswatini) FDMS MTS

aéroport Matsapha

Altitude : 632 m = 2073ft

Matsapha airport is located close to Matshapa, Manzini, Matsapha at 1.6 km, Kwaluseni at 5.9 km, Manzini at 8.3 km, Lobamba at 13 km, Malkerns at 13 km, Sidvokodvo at 16 km,

The longest runway measure : 2600 m = 8530ft

-> Aviation weather for Matsapha airport

#10 Siteki airport at Siteki (Eswatini) FDST

aéroport Siteki

Altitude : 677 m = 2221ft

Siteki airport is located close to Siteki, Siteki at 0 km, Lubombo District at 20 km, Big Bend at 41 km, Mliba at 43 km, Eswatini at 45 km, Mhlume at 47 km,

-> Aviation weather for Siteki airport

#11 King Mswati III International airport (Sikhuphe) at Manzini (Eswatini) FDSK SHO

#12 Simunye airport at Simunye (Eswatini) FDSM

#13 Tambankulu airport at Tambankulu (Eswatini) FDTM

#14 Mhlume airport at Mhlume (Eswatini) FDMH

#15 Tshaneni airport at Tshaneni (Eswatini) FDTS

#16 Piggs Peak Ngonini airport at Ngonini (Eswatini) FDNG

Data sources