Airports at the highest altitudes, located in the mountains or on the highlands. A high altitude which rhymes with the drop in atmospheric pressure which increases the taxiing distance to allow planes to take off and therefore requires a longer runway than at lower altitudes. in Eswatini.
#1 Nhlangano airport at Nhlangano (Eswatini) FDNH
Altitude : 1074 m = 3524ft
Nhlangano airport is located close to Nhlangano, Nhlangano at 1.2 km↑, Mahamba at 13 km↑, Mhlosheni at 18 km↑, Hlatikulu at 20 km↑, Kubuta at 38 km↑, Piet Retief at 41 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Nhlangano airport
#2 Siteki airport at Siteki (Eswatini) FDST
Altitude : 677 m = 2221ft
Siteki airport is located close to Siteki, Siteki at 0 km↑, Lubombo District at 20 km↑, Big Bend at 41 km↑, Mliba at 43 km↑, Eswatini at 45 km↑, Mhlume at 47 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Siteki airport
#3 Matsapha airport at Matshapa Manzini (Eswatini) FDMS MTS
Altitude : 632 m = 2073ft
Matsapha airport is located close to Matshapa, Manzini, Matsapha at 1.6 km↑, Kwaluseni at 5.9 km↑, Manzini at 8.3 km↑, Lobamba at 13 km↑, Malkerns at 13 km↑, Sidvokodvo at 16 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 2600 m = 8530ft
- runway 07/25 : 2600m = 8530ft
-> Aviation weather for Matsapha airport
#4 Kubuta airport at Kubuta B (Eswatini) FDKB
Altitude : 474 m = 1555ft
Kubuta airport is located close to Kubuta B, Kubuta at 0.6 km↑, Hlatikulu at 20 km↑, Sidvokodvo at 29 km↑, Mhlosheni at 35 km↑, Nhlangano at 39 km↑, Hluti at 39 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Kubuta airport
#5 Piggs Peak Ngonini airport at Ngonini (Eswatini) FDNG
Altitude : 430 m = 1411ft
Piggs Peak Ngonini airport is located close to Ngonini, Piggs Peak at 25 km↑, Hhohho at 29 km↑, Barberton at 32 km↑, Bulembu at 33 km↑, Tshaneni at 43 km↑, Nelspruit at 51 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Piggs Peak Ngonini airport
#6 King Mswati III International airport (Sikhuphe) at Manzini (Eswatini) FDSK SHO
Altitude : 333 m = 1093ft
King Mswati III International airport is located close to Manzini, Lubombo District at 7.3 km↑, Mliba at 18 km↑, Manzini at 25 km↑, Siteki at 25 km↑, Eswatini at 27 km↑, Sidvokodvo at 42 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 3600 m = 11811ft
- runway 02/20 : 3600m = 11811ft
-> Aviation weather for King Mswati III International airport
#7 Tshaneni airport at Tshaneni (Eswatini) FDTS
Altitude : 311 m = 1020ft
Tshaneni airport is located close to Tshaneni, Piggs Peak at 5.2 km↑, Bulembu at 7.2 km↑, Barberton at 26 km↑, Hhohho at 30 km↑, Darkton at 32 km↑, Manzini at 42 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Tshaneni airport
#8 Mhlume airport at Mhlume (Eswatini) FDMH
Altitude : 282 m = 925ft
Mhlume airport is located close to Mhlume, Mhlume at 4.1 km↑, Tshaneni at 10 km↑, Hhohho at 31 km↑, Mliba at 34 km↑, Manzini at 40 km↑, Lubombo District at 44 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Mhlume airport
#9 Tambankulu airport at Tambankulu (Eswatini) FDTM
Altitude : 247 m = 810ft
Tambankulu airport is located close to Tambankulu, Mhlume at 14 km↑, Tshaneni at 28 km↑, Siteki at 39 km↑, Lubombo District at 41 km↑, Mliba at 42 km↑, Hhohho at 48 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 965 m = 3166ft
- runway 17/35 : 965m = 3166ft
-> Aviation weather for Tambankulu airport
#10 Simunye airport at Simunye (Eswatini) FDSM
Altitude : 205 m = 673ft
Simunye airport is located close to Simunye, Mhlume at 20 km↑, Siteki at 28 km↑, Lubombo District at 30 km↑, Tshaneni at 32 km↑, Mliba at 36 km↑, Manzini at 44 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Simunye airport
#11 Nsoko airport at Nsoko (Eswatini) FDNS
#12 Big Bend Tambuti airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBT
#13 Lavumisa airport at Lavumisa (Eswatini) FDGL
#14 Big Bend Sugar E airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBS
#15 Matata airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDBM
#16 Ubombo Ranches airport at Big Bend (Eswatini) FDUB
Data sources
- AVWX (
- Aerial maps : Google Maps (, Microsoft Bing ( ou OpenStreetMap (