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current weather for San Cayetano (Colombia)

San Cayetano is located near Villagómez at 9mi, La Mesa at 11mi, Carmen de Carupa at 12mi, Coper at 12mi, Pacho at 13mi, Tausa at 14mi, Sutatausa at 15mi, Topaipi at 16mi,

Elevation : 7070ft

currently : 54°F moderate rain at San Cayetano

moderate rain

The current temperature is 54°F, the felt temperature is 54°F.

Wind direction from South East with a speed of 3mph with gusts at 4mph.

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

Pressure is 30inHg.

weather last updated 184916 minutes

Sunset in 11h50 and the sun rises in 22h44. The day lasts 12h53.

Hotels in San Cayetano


moderate rain at San Cayetano

moderate rain

aerial view of San Cayetano

Coming to San Cayetano

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on Trip.com

By plane :

Weather forecast for San Cayetano (Colombia)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening 0in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 54°F to 54°F

wind speed up to 4mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.3in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 4mph with gusts at 5mph

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night, there will be nightly rain and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening Rain is forecasted. 0in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 54°F to 61°F

wind speed up to 5mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 3mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 3mph with gusts at 2mph





The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North East 1mph with gusts at 1mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 91%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North 3mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 95%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 5mph with gusts at 3mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.1in of rain

The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 2mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 0mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 1mph with gusts at 2mph

Friday, November 1, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night, there will be nightly rain and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening Rain is forecasted. 1in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 54°F to 63°F

wind speed up to 4mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 85%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 2mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 86%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 4mph with gusts at 3mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.1in of rain

The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 3mph with gusts at 4mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.3in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 1mph with gusts at 3mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.2in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South 1mph with gusts at 2mph

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night, there will be nightly rain and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening Rain is forecasted. 0in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 54°F to 59°F

wind speed up to 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 3mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 96%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North East 1mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 91%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 1mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 87%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from West 0mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 95%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 96%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 3mph with gusts at 3mph

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night, there will be nightly rain and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening Rain is forecasted. 0in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 52°F to 61°F

wind speed up to 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 3mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 96%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 3mph with gusts at 2mph





The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 93%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North East 1mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 86%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from West 3mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 91%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 3mph with gusts at 3mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 2mph with gusts at 1mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 98%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 2mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 3mph with gusts at 2mph

Monday, November 4, 2024

Sky will be covered with cloud all the night, there will be nightly rain and the day will be cloudy from morning to evening Rain is forecasted. 1in rain in 24h.

the temperature will range from 54°F to 61°F

wind speed up to 6mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 97%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from East 1mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 1mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 96%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 1mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 88%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from North West 3mph with gusts at 2mph



light rain

Light rain

0.1in of rain

The air is extremely humid : relative air humidity is 89%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from West 3mph with gusts at 4mph



moderate rain

Moderate rain

0.3in of rain

The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South West 2mph with gusts at 6mph



heavy intensity rain

Heavy intensity rain

0.6in of rain

The air is almost saturated with water : relative air humidity is 99%.

pressure is 30inHg

Wind direction from South East 0mph with gusts at 3mph

Weather observation and forecast provided by OpenWeatherMap under CC BY-SA 4.0 license amended by aviation weather data.


Weather news

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Alerte météo pour orages et vent violents sur le sud-ouest



Alerte météo pour orages et vent violents sur le sud-ouest

Météo-France a placé le sud-ouest en alerte orange pour vent violent et orages. Un vent qui a déjà commencé à souffler en rafale en ce début d'après-midi. Mais le plus violent reste à venir.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Alerte orange



Alerte orange sur les Hautes-Pyrénées, la tempête Barbara arrive

Le vent a commencé à souffler sur la façade ouest avec des vents à près de 200 km/h. Ce n'est que le début et Météo France a émis un bulletin d'alerte orange pour vent violent sur les PyrénÃ...

Monday, October 19, 2020

Alerte orange



La tempête Barbara souffle à plus de 150 km/h sur les Hautes-Pyrénées

Le vent a commencé à souffler sur la façade ouest avec des vents à près de 200 km/h. Ce n'est que le début et Météo France a émis un bulletin d'alerte orange pour vent violent sur les PyrénÃ...

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Carte de vigilance du 11/05/2020



Les Landes passent en vigilance rouge, Les Hautes-Pyrénées restent en vigilance orange

Les fortes pluies qui ont commencé hier sur tout le sud-ouest vont continuer aujourd'hui avec un bulletin de vigilance rouge pour les Landes et de vigilance orange par les départements qui vont des ...
