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WorldwideLongest runways in Timor-LesteSpecial airports in Timor-LesteDefunct airports in Timor-LesteProposed in Timor-Lestehighest in Timor-Lestelowest in Timor-Lestemost northerly in Timor-Lestemost southerly in Timor-Lestealtiport in Timor-Lesteheliport in Timor-LesteIce runway in Timor-Lesteseaplane base in Timor-Lesteultralight airfield in Timor-Lesteballoonport in Timor-Lesteultralight seaplane base in Timor-Lesteultralight heliport in Timor-Leste

Airports like no other, with specific approaches or situations that make them separate runways in Timor-Leste.

Pas de résultats trouvés pour Notable airports in Timor-Leste

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