Airports at the highest altitudes, located in the mountains or on the highlands. A high altitude which rhymes with the drop in atmospheric pressure which increases the taxiing distance to allow planes to take off and therefore requires a longer runway than at lower altitudes. in Hungary.
#1 Zirc-Tündérmajor Repülőtér airport at (Hungary) HU-0055
Altitude : 489 m = 1604ft
Zirc-Tündérmajor Repülőtér airport is located close to Zirc at 2.7 km↑, Cseteny at 13 km↑, Bakonyszentlaszlo at 15 km↑, Herend at 16 km↑, Veszprém megye at 17 km↑, Hajmasker at 19 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Zirc-Tündérmajor Repülőtér airport
#2 Pásztó-Hasznos repülőtér airport at Pásztó (Hungary) HU-0028
Altitude : 398 m = 1306ft
Pásztó-Hasznos repülőtér airport is located close to Pásztó, Tar at 3.2 km↑, Matraverebely at 4.6 km↑, Bolyok at 5.8 km↑, Gindeletanya at 5.8 km↑, Paszto at 5.9 km↑, Batonyterenye at 6.4 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Pásztó-Hasznos repülőtér airport
#3 Kislőd Airstrip airport at (Hungary) HU-0049
Altitude : 397 m = 1302ft
Kislőd Airstrip airport is located close to Veszprém megye at 4.2 km↑, Urkut at 5.4 km↑, Ajkai Tanyák at 6.7 km↑, Ajka at 7 km↑, Herend at 8.3 km↑, Csárda at 13 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Kislőd Airstrip airport
#4 Gyongyos airport at Gyöngyös Pipishegy (Hungary) LHGY
Altitude : 351 m = 1152ft
Gyongyos airport is located close to Gyöngyös Pipishegy, Abasar at 2.7 km↑, Gyongyossolymos at 3.1 km↑, Farkasmály at 4.8 km↑, Gyongyos at 5.1 km↑, Gyongyoshalasz at 8.9 km↑, Karacsond at 10 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 760 m = 2493ft
- runway 15/33 : 760m = 2493ft
-> Aviation weather for Gyongyos airport
#5 Pécs-Pogány airport at Pécs (Hungary) LHPP PEV
Altitude : 305 m = 1001ft
Pécs-Pogány airport is located close to Pécs, Nándorliget at 1.2 km↑, Pogány at 1.9 km↑, Kozarmisleny at 5.8 km↑, Pellerd at 8.3 km↑, Pecs at 10 km↑, Baranya megye at 10 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 1500 m = 4921ft
- runway 16/34 : 1500m = 4921ft
-> Aviation weather for Pécs-Pogány airport
#6 Tótvázsony repülőtér airport at Kövesgyűrpuszta (Hungary) HU-0054
Altitude : 302 m = 991ft
Tótvázsony repülőtér airport is located close to Kövesgyűrpuszta, Nemesvamos at 7.1 km↑, Balatonfured at 11 km↑, Herend at 11 km↑, Veszprem at 11 km↑, Urkut at 12 km↑, Rabkertészet at 12 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Tótvázsony repülőtér airport
#7 Hármashatárhegy airport at Budapest (Hungary) LHHH
Altitude : 293 m = 961ft
Hármashatárhegy airport is located close to Budapest, Budapest III. keruelet at 5.1 km↑, Budapest II. keruelet at 5.8 km↑, Solymar at 5.9 km↑, Budakeszi at 5.9 km↑, Urom at 5.9 km↑, Pilisborosjeno at 6.4 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 1000 m = 3281ft
- runway 13/31 : 1000m = 3281ft
-> Aviation weather for Hármashatárhegy airport
#8 Szentkirályszabadja airport at Szentkirályszabadja (Hungary) LHSA
Altitude : 280 m = 919ft
Szentkirályszabadja airport is located close to Szentkirályszabadja, Szentkirályszabadja at 2 km↑, Liter at 3.8 km↑, Rabkertészet at 4.6 km↑, Veszprem at 4.6 km↑, Tisztviselőtelep at 6.2 km↑, Balatonalmadi at 6.2 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 2000 m = 6562ft
- runway 16/34 : 2000m = 6562ft
- runway 16R/34L : 1635m = 5364ft
-> Aviation weather for Szentkirályszabadja airport
#9 Bátonyterenye-Világosipuszta sportreptér airport at (Hungary) HU-0019
Altitude : 265 m = 869ft
Bátonyterenye-Világosipuszta sportreptér airport is located close to Kazar at 5 km↑, Matraverebely at 6 km↑, Batonyterenye at 6.8 km↑, Bolyok at 6.9 km↑, Salgotarjan at 8.1 km↑, Tar at 9.1 km↑,
-> Aviation weather for Bátonyterenye-Világosipuszta sportreptér airport
#10 Eger Apollo airport at Eger (Hungary) LHER
Altitude : 241 m = 791ft
Eger Apollo airport is located close to Eger, Tibrik at 1.8 km↑, Eger at 2.4 km↑, Ostoros at 4.8 km↑, Andornaktalya at 6.2 km↑, Egerszalok at 6.9 km↑, Felsotarkany at 6.9 km↑,
The longest runway measure : 799 m = 2621ft
- runway 16/34 : 799m = 2621ft
-> Aviation weather for Eger Apollo airport
#11 Szombathely airport at Szombathely (Hungary) LHSY
#12 Farkashegy airport at Farkashegy (Hungary) LHFH
#13 Rétság reptér airport at (Hungary) HU-0020
#14 ESRE Glider Field airport at (Hungary) HU-0062
#15 Balatonszőlős Airstrip airport at (Hungary) HU-0050
#16 Gyúró airport at Gyúró (Hungary) LHGR
#17 Úrhida airport at Sárszentmihály (Hungary) LHUH
#18 Zalaegerszeg-Andráshida airport at Zalaegerszeg (Hungary) LHZA
#19 Veresegyház airport at Veresegyház (Hungary) LHVE
#20 Gödöllő airport at Gödöllő (Hungary) LHGD
#21 Hajmáskér repülőtér airport at Hajmáskér (Hungary) HU-0033
#22 Kadarkút airport at (Hungary) LHKT
#23 Kecskéd airport at Kecskéd (Hungary) LHKD
#24 Dány airport at (Hungary) HU-0026
#25 Lentikápolna Airstrip airport at Lenti (Hungary) HU-0053
#26 Bükfördö airport at Bö (Hungary) LHBF
#27 Taszár Air Base airport at Taszár (Hungary) LHTA TZR
#28 Bácsbokod repülőtér airport at Bácsbokod (Hungary) LHBO
#29 Kaposvar airport at Kaposújlak (Hungary) LHKV
#30 Pusztacsalád airport at Pusztacsalád (Hungary) HU-0008
#31 Becsehely Airstrip airport at (Hungary) HU-0052
#32 Pusztacsalád Field airport at (Hungary) HU-0064
#33 Budapest Liszt Ferenc International airport at Budapest (Hungary) LHBP BUD
#34 Dáka airport at Dáka (Hungary) HU-0015
#35 Bodmér airport at (Hungary) LHFC
#36 Gyõrszentiván-Bõny airport at Gyõrszentiván/Bõny (Hungary) HU-0017
#37 Piusz-Puszta airport at FERTŐRÁKOS (Hungary) LHFP
#38 Hertelendy Kastely Field airport at Kutas (Hungary) LH0
#39 Nagykanizsa airport at Nagykanizsa (Hungary) LHNK
#40 Pápa Air Base airport at Pápa (Hungary) LHPA
#41 Sitke airport at (Hungary) LHSI
#42 Papkutapuszta airport at Papkutapuszta (Hungary) HU-0021
#43 Tokorcs airport at Tokorcs (Hungary) HU-0065
#44 Fertőszentmiklós airport at Fertőszentmiklós (Hungary) LHFM
#45 Geszteréd Airstrip airport at (Hungary) HU-0056
#46 Győr-Pér International airport at Győr (Hungary) LHPR
#47 Siófok-Kiliti airport at Siófok-Kiliti (Hungary) LHSK
#48 Kiskunhalas-Füzespuszta airport at Kiskunhalas (Hungary) HU-0040
#49 Maklár airport at Eger (Hungary) LHMR
#50 Sármellék International airport at Sármellék (Hungary) LHSM SOB
#51 Balatonlelle sárkány repülőtér airport at Balatonlelle (Hungary) HU-0025
#52 Csikéria Airstrip airport at Csikéria (Hungary) HU-0047
#53 Budaors airport at Budaörs (Hungary) LHBS
#54 Dunakeszi airport at Dunakeszi (Hungary) LHDK
#55 Ballószög airport at Ballószög (Hungary) HU-0016
#56 Dunaújváros airport at Dunaújváros (Hungary) LHDV
#57 Börgönd airport at Székesfehérvár (Hungary) HU-0007
#58 Tapolca airport at (Hungary) HU-0030
#59 Baja airport at Baja (Hungary) HU-0013
#60 Kecskemét airport at Kecskemét (Hungary) LHKE
#61 Zalacsány airport at (Hungary) HU-0027
#62 Lipót airport at (Hungary) LHLI
#63 Atkár Margit-kút airport at Atkár (Hungary) HU-0029
#64 Inárcs airport at Inárcs (Hungary) HU-0038
#65 Zalakaros airport at Zalakaros (Hungary) LHZK
#66 Matkópuszta airport at Matkópuszta (Hungary) HU-0003
#67 Héviz airport at Héviz (Hungary) HU-0012
#68 Balatonederics airport at (Hungary) HU-0031
#69 Balatonfőkajár Repülőtér airport at (Hungary) HU-0018
#70 Debrecen International airport at Debrecen (Hungary) LHDC DEB
#71 Soltvadkert Sports airport at (Hungary) HU-0051
#72 Aeroglobus airport at Dunabogdány (Hungary) HU-0035
#73 Jakabszállás airport at Jakabszállás (Hungary) LHJK
#74 Esztergom airport at Esztergom (Hungary) LHEM
#75 Balatonkeresztúr airport at Balatonkeresztúr (Hungary) HU-0014
#76 Nyíregyháza airport at Nyíregyháza (Hungary) LHNY
#77 Hajdúszoboszló airport at Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary) LHHO
#78 Tápiószentmárton airport at Tápiószentmárton (Hungary) LHTM
#79 Szabadszállás airport at (Hungary) LHSB
#80 Kiskunlacháza- airport at Budapest (Hungary) LHKK
#81 Szolnok Air Base airport at Szolnok (Hungary) LHSN
#82 Tokol airport at Tököl (Hungary) LHTL
#83 Sárospatak airport at Sárospatak (Hungary) HU-0036
#84 Felsőráda Airstrip airport at Felsőráda (Hungary) HU-0041
#85 Cegléd airport at (Hungary) LHCL
#86 Mezőhegyes airport at (Hungary) HU-0032
#87 Biharkeresztes airport at (Hungary) LHBI
#88 Kiskőrös-Akasztó airport at Kiskőrös (Hungary) LHKI
#89 Kalocsa/Foktő airport at Kalocsa/Foktő (Hungary) HU-0002
#90 Őcsény airport at Őcsény (Hungary) LHOY
#91 Pusztaszer airport at Pusztaszer (Hungary) HU-0024
#92 Mezőgazdasági repülőtér airport at (Hungary) HU-0046
#93 Mórahalom Airstrip airport at Domaszék (Hungary) HU-0043
#94 Kiskunfélegyháza airport at Kiskunfélegyháza (Hungary) LHKH
#95 Pusztaszer West airport at Pusztaszer (Hungary) HU-0042
#96 Telekgerendás airport at (Hungary) HU-0061
#97 Kunmadaras Air Base airport at Kunmadaras (Hungary) HU-0010
#98 Békéscsaba airport at Békéscsaba (Hungary) LHBC
#99 Gyomaendrőd airport at (Hungary) HU-0039
#100 Nagyszénás airport at Nagyszénás (Hungary) LHNS
#101 Szolnok-Szandaszőlős Sport airport at Szolnok-Szandaszőlős (Hungary) LHSS
#102 Surjány airport at (Hungary) LHSU
#103 Hódmezővásárhelyi airport at Hódmezővásárhelyi (Hungary) HU-0023
#104 Dévaványa airport at Dévaványa (Hungary) HU-0044
#105 Szentes airport at Szentes (Hungary) LHSZ
#106 Kákahalom airport at Szarvas (Hungary) HU-0001
#107 Szatymaz airport at Szatymaz (Hungary) HU-0006
#108 Szeged airport at Szeged (Hungary) LHUD
#109 Martfű Airstrip airport at (Hungary) HU-0063
Data sources
- AVWX (
- Aerial maps : Google Maps (, Microsoft Bing ( ou OpenStreetMap (