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WorldwideLongest runways in ArubaSpecial airports in ArubaDefunct airports in ArubaProposed in Arubahighest in Arubalowest in Arubamost northerly in Arubamost southerly in Arubaaltiport in Arubaheliport in ArubaIce runway in Arubaseaplane base in Arubaultralight airfield in Arubaballoonport in Arubaultralight seaplane base in Arubaultralight heliport in Aruba

Airports at the highest altitudes, located in the mountains or on the highlands. A high altitude which rhymes with the drop in atmospheric pressure which increases the taxiing distance to allow planes to take off and therefore requires a longer runway than at lower altitudes. in Aruba.

#1 Queen Beatrix International airport at Oranjestad (Aruba) TNCA AUA

aéroport Queen Beatrix International

Altitude : 18 m = 59ft

Queen Beatrix International airport is located close to Oranjestad, Sabana Berde at 0.2 km, Santa Helena at 2.6 km, Oranjestad at 2.8 km, Paradijs at 4.1 km, Babijn at 5 km, Aruba at 5.3 km,

The longest runway measure : 2743 m = 8999ft

-> Aviation weather for Queen Beatrix International airport

Data sources