A- A+

WorldwideLongest runways in ChileSpecial airports in ChileDefunct airports in ChileProposed in Chilehighest in Chilelowest in Chilemost northerly in Chilemost southerly in Chilealtiport in Chileheliport in ChileIce runway in Chileseaplane base in Chileultralight airfield in Chileballoonport in Chileultralight seaplane base in Chileultralight heliport in Chile

heliports in Chile.

#1 Kipreos heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHKI

aéroport Kipreos

Altitude : 480 m = 1575ft

Kipreos heliport is located close to Santiago, Espejo at 4 km, San Bernardo at 5.1 km, Maipú at 5.3 km, La Cisterna at 5.8 km, El Rosal at 7.2 km, San José de Tango at 8.1 km,

-> Aviation weather for Kipreos airport

#2 Los Paltos heliport at Isla De Maipo (Chile) SHAL

aéroport Los Paltos

Altitude : 91 m = 299ft

Los Paltos heliport is located close to Isla De Maipo, Isla de Maipo at 3.9 km, Talagante at 6.6 km, El Monte at 9.3 km, Valdivia de Paine at 12 km, Penaflor at 12 km, Malloco at 13 km,

-> Aviation weather for Los Paltos airport

#3 Eso heliport at Antofagasta (Chile) SHES

aéroport Eso

Altitude : 2396 m = 7861ft

Eso heliport is located close to Antofagasta, Taltal at 85 km, Antofagasta at 107 km, Antofagasta at 110 km, La Portada at 126 km, Francke at 143 km, Mejillones at 171 km,

-> Aviation weather for Eso airport

#4 Clinica Alemana heliport at Santiago (Chile) CL-0008

aéroport Clinica Alemana

Altitude : 757 m = 2484ft

Clinica Alemana heliport is located close to Santiago, Vitacura at 2.7 km, Las Condes at 5.9 km, Providencia at 6.1 km, Recoleta at 6.2 km, Lo Contador at 6.2 km, La Reina at 6.8 km,

-> Aviation weather for Clinica Alemana airport

#5 Apoquindo 2929 heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHAQ

aéroport Apoquindo 2929

Altitude : 708 m = 2323ft

Apoquindo 2929 heliport is located close to Santiago, Vitacura at 2 km, Providencia at 2.4 km, Lo Contador at 3.2 km, Recoleta at 3.6 km, Barrio Bellavista at 3.8 km, Villa Presidente Frei, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile at 5.1 km,

-> Aviation weather for Apoquindo 2929 airport

#6 Viña Matetic heliport at Cartagena (Chile) SHVM

aéroport Viña Matetic

Altitude : 250 m = 820ft

Viña Matetic heliport is located close to Cartagena, Los Maitenes at 5.9 km, Casablanca at 17 km, Cartagena at 21 km, Curacaví at 24 km, Los Quilos at 25 km, San Antonio at 25 km,

-> Aviation weather for Viña Matetic airport

#7 Edificio Corpgroup heliport at Las Condes (Chile) SHGR

aéroport Edificio Corpgroup

Altitude : 746 m = 2448ft

Edificio Corpgroup heliport is located close to Las Condes, Vitacura at 2.5 km, Providencia at 5.2 km, La Reina at 5.5 km, Lo Contador at 5.8 km, Recoleta at 5.9 km, Villa Presidente Frei, Nunoa, Santiago, Chile at 6.3 km,

-> Aviation weather for Edificio Corpgroup airport

#8 Santiago Centro heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSC

aéroport Santiago Centro

Altitude : 635 m = 2083ft

Santiago Centro heliport is located close to Santiago, Barrio Bellavista at 1.3 km, Barrio Brazil at 1.7 km, Santiago at 2 km, Lo Contador at 2.9 km, Providencia at 3 km, Recoleta at 3.6 km,

-> Aviation weather for Santiago Centro airport

#9 Skua 1 heliport at Punta Catalina (Chile) SHSK

aéroport Skua 1

Altitude : 30 m = 98ft

Skua 1 heliport is located close to Punta Catalina, Rio Gallegos at 92 km, Hill Station at 98 km, Porvenir at 145 km, Chabunco at 154 km, Punta Arenas at 165 km, Río de los Ciervos at 168 km,

-> Aviation weather for Skua 1 airport

#10 La Parva heliport at Farellones (Chile) SHLP

aéroport La Parva

Altitude : 2768 m = 9081ft

La Parva heliport is located close to Farellones, Farellones at 4.5 km, Villa Paulina at 7.1 km, La Ermita at 12 km, Lo Barnechea at 22 km, Las Condes at 22 km, La Reina at 28 km,

-> Aviation weather for La Parva airport

#11 Hospital Dr Luis Tisné Brousse heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSO

#12 Corporativo Mutual heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHCM

#13 Pelluco heliport at Puerto Montt (Chile) SHPE

#14 Hospital de Coyhaique heliport at Coyhaique (Chile) SHCY

#15 Banco Santander heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHBS

#16 Sumaya heliport at Pirque (Chile) SHYA

#17 Portillo heliport at Los Andes (Chile) SHPT

#18 Nazareno II heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHAH

#19 Lo Ovalle heliport at Casablanca (Chile) SHOV

#20 Helicopters heliport at Machali (Chile) SHHE

#21 Gertrudis Echeñique heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHGE

#22 Del Pacifico heliport at Temuco (Chile) SHDP

#23 Sonda heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSD

#24 Hospital de Carabineros heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHHI

#25 Caburga heliport at Pucon (Chile) SHCB

#26 Villarica Park Lake heliport at Villarrica (Chile) SHVI

#27 Las Condes heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHHL

#28 Batería Dungenes Nº 1 heliport at Magallanes (Chile) SHDG

#29 Esmeralda heliport at Yerbas Buenas (Chile) SHEE

#30 Anguila 1 heliport at Magallanes (Chile) SHAG

#31 Torre Ligure heliport at Concepcion (Chile) SHTL

#32 Edificio Torre Nueva Santa María heliport at Santiago (Chile) CL-0016

#33 Gral. Humberto Arriagada heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHGA

#34 Hospital Naval Almirante Nef heliport at Viña Del Mar (Chile) SHHN

#35 Rapel heliport at Las Cabras (Chile) SHRP

#36 Lan Courier heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHLC

#37 Skua 4 heliport at Punta Catalina (Chile) SHSU

#38 Papudo heliport at Papudo (Chile) SHPP

#39 Edificio Corporativo CTC heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHTC

#40 Santa Rosa De Tabalí heliport at Ovalle (Chile) SHOT SHOT

#41 Cerro Sombrero heliport at Magallanes (Chile) SHSB

#42 Sotracer heliport at Los Angeles (Chile) SHTR

#43 Quinn heliport at Valdivia (Chile) SHQN

#44 Santa Carolina heliport at Vichuquén (Chile) SHAF

#45 Clínica Santa María heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHMA

#46 San Francisco heliport at Litueche (Chile) SHFR

#47 World Trade Center heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHWT

#48 Posesión 5 heliport at Posesion (Chile) SHSI

#49 Clinica San Carlos de Apoquindo heliport at Las Condes (Chile) SHUC

#50 Aguas Blancas heliport at Puchuncavi (Chile) SHAB

#51 Asociación Chilena de Seguridad heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHAC

#52 Los Cerrillos Military heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHFA

#53 Clínica Las Condes heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHCC

#54 San Esteban heliport at Yerbas Buenas (Chile) SHET

#55 Cuartel Gral. VI División de Ejercito heliport at Iquique (Chile) SHIQ

#56 Servicios Aéreos Copters heliport at Rancagua (Chile) SHCP

#57 Edificio Torre San Ramón heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSR

#58 La Cabaña heliport at San Pedro (Chile) SHME

#59 Edificio Huidobro heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEH

#60 Prefectura Aeropolicial de Carabineros heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHCA

#61 Alto Trapenses heliport at Lo Barnechea (Chile) SHTS SHTS

#62 Las Salinas heliport at Viña Del Mar (Chile) SHLS SHLS

#63 Hospital de Ovalle heliport at Ovalle (Chile) SHAO

#64 Lago La Paloma heliport at Coyahique (Chile) SHPM

#65 Clínica Indisa heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHIN

#66 Moneda Bicentenario heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSP

#67 Banco Exterior heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHBE

#68 Nueva de Lyon heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHNL

#69 Mercedez Benz heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHMB

#70 Nazareno heliport at Pirque (Chile) SHNZ

#71 Hospital Militar heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHHM

#72 Edificio Itaú heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEC

#73 Ejército Bicentenario heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEB

#74 Mutual de Seguridad heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHMS

#75 Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción heliport at Concepcion (Chile) SHHC

#76 Ministerio de Defensa Nacional heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHMD

#77 Cuartel Gral. I División De Ejercito heliport at Antofagasta (Chile) SHEJ

#78 Las Brisas De Chicureo heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHBC

#79 Hospital Regional de Copiapó San José del Carmen heliport at Copiapó (Chile) SHSN

#80 Hospital San José heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHJO

#81 Catalina Norte 1 heliport at Punta Arenas (Chile) SHNC

#82 Dinahue heliport at Talcahuano (Chile) SHUE

#83 San Cristóbal heliport at Zapallar (Chile) SHCI

#84 Asistencia Pública Dr. Alejandro del Río heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHAP

#85 Titanium heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHPD

#86 Carabineros de Chile heliport at Punta Arenas (Chile) SHHR

#87 Jose Miguel Carrera heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHRE

#88 El Mercurio heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEM

#89 Bahía Los Primos heliport at La Estrella (Chile) SHBP

#90 Santiago heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHST

#91 Punta Catalina heliport at Punta Catalina (Chile) SHPU

#92 Valle Nevado heliport at Farellones (Chile) SHDO

#93 Edificio Torre Santa María heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHSM

#94 Naval heliport at Arica (Chile) SHHV

#95 Hospital del Salvador heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHHS

#96 Rodelbahn heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHRB

#97 Posesión heliport at Posesion (Chile) SHSE

#98 Cachagua heliport at Zapallar (Chile) SHCG

#99 Isidora 3000 heliport at Las Condes (Chile) SHIS

#100 Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEI

#101 Las Americas Las Americas heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHLA

#102 El Conquistador heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHEQ

#103 Subteniente Marcelo Topali heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHTO

#104 Hospital Regional de Temuco heliport at Temuco (Chile) SHSS

#105 Catalina Norte 2 heliport at Punta Arenas (Chile) SHNO

#106 Torre Interamericana heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHTI

#107 Hospital San José heliport at Osorno (Chile) SHSJ

#108 Hospital Ramón Barros Luco heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHBL

#109 Daniel 1 heliport at Magallanes (Chile) SHDN

#110 Hospital FACH heliport at Santiago (Chile) SHHF

#111 La Aurora heliport at Curacavi (Chile) SHAU

#112 Aerorescate heliport at Pudahuel (Chile) SHAE

#113 Hospital San Camilo heliport at San Felipe (Chile) SHFE

Data sources