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Hakkas train station (Sweden)

Hakkas train station (Sweden) is located near Koskullskulle at 29mi, Gaellivare at 29mi, Malmberget at 30mi, Norrbottens Län at 43mi, Gällivare Kommun at 44mi, Pajala Kommun at 45mi, Edefors at 52mi, Jokkmokk at 52mi, Pajala at 53mi, OEverkalix at 54mi, Pello at 65mi, Jokkmokks Kommun at 65mi,

Hotels in Hakkas


aerial view of Hakkas train station (Sweden)

Train station code

Coming to Hakkas

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on Trip.com

By plane :

weather : overcast at Koskullskulle

ciel couvert
7 ↗ 25°F

wind 8mph

extreme cold alert with 7°F at Koskullskulle

Thursday : extreme cold alert with 9°F at Koskullskulle

Around Hakkas train station (Sweden)


Nearest train stations to Hakkas