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Mezőtúr train station (Hungary)

Mezőtúr train station (Hungary) is located near Mezotur at 1mi, Turkeve at 9mi, Szarvas at 11mi, Maradékdűlő at 11mi, Vidólapos at 12mi, Gyomaendrod at 12mi, Bekesszentandras at 12mi, Ocsod at 13mi, Kengyel at 14mi, Torokszentmiklos at 15mi, Kisujszallas at 16mi, Kenderes at 17mi,

Hotels in Mezőtúr


aerial view of Mezőtúr train station (Hungary)

Train station code

Coming to Mezőtúr

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on Trip.com

By plane :

weather : overcast at Mezotur

ciel couvert

wind 1mph

Around Mezőtúr train station (Hungary)


Nearest train stations to Mezőtúr