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Notre-Dame de l'Espérence (Tarasteix)

Notre-Dame de l'Espérance à Tarasteix

Hotels in Tarasteix


After more than 120 years of abandonment and ruins, the Abbey of Notre Dame de l'Espérance in Tarasteix has resurfaced from brambles and destruction thanks to the unwavering Faith and Courage of a Breton priest and faithful companions. The Tarasteix abbey has become an essential jewel of the religious heritage of the Midi-Pyrenees region and each pilgrim or visitor remains deeply marked by their passage. A magnificent place, a haven of peace and beauty. An exceptional carillon, a bumblebee weighing 5.2 tons, a 60m bell tower, visit of the interior cloister, vaulted rooms, hermit gardens, etc.
It is possible to stay there on board, or half board in this magnificent setting (notify in advance). A floral and exotic park with multiple species, an oasis in the middle of the forest. It is a stage for many pilgrims to Saint Jacques, or from Lourdes.
... So don't hesitate to visit this magical place. You will be received there by Father Mercier, an endearing character, and you will spend an unforgettable day with Our Lady of Hope.

address Notre-Dame de l'Espérence

2162 route de Siarrouy
65320 Tarasteix

weather : overcast at Montaner

ciel couvert
at 1142ft
44 to 53°F

wind 7mph

Coming to Notre-Dame de l'Espérence

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


Photos around Notre-Dame de l'Espérence

Église de l'Invention-de-Saint-Étienne

Église de l'Invention-de-Saint-Étienne

Le Rétro à Oursbelille

Le Rétro à Oursbelille

McDonald's Tarbes Nord

McDonald's Tarbes Nord

Centre de Loisirs de Bours

Centre de Loisirs de Bours

Showroom Galry Bar Vintage à Bordères sur Echez

Showroom Galry Bar Vintage à Bordères sur Echez

Médiathèque intercommunale Vic-Montaner

Médiathèque intercommunale Vic-Montaner

Eglise de l'Assomption

Eglise de l'Assomption

Le Réverbère

Le Réverbère

Eglise Saint Martin

Eglise Saint Martin

Eglise de Vic-en-Bigorre

Eglise de Vic-en-Bigorre

gendarmerie de Vic-en-Bigorre

gendarmerie de Vic-en-Bigorre

