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Station de montagne Valmeinier

ski station

Station de montagne Valmeinier

Hotels in


Valmeinier, a summer resort all about enjoying fabulous walks in an unspoilt, rural setting. Valmeinier is an old village composed of several hamlets. Clinging to the mountains edge, it has managed to retain its typical mountain village appeal… In 1987, a higher village was built at 1800 m. It keeps the character of the older village and the surroundings by its rustic style which blends in so well. Valmeinier is an ideal starting point for hikes into the mountains. There are several marked itineraries for nature lovers to discover alone or with a guide, the beauty and richness of this unspoilt landscape that is Valmeinier.
Valmeinier : ' Back to nature ' sums up Valmeinier, with the simplicity, warmth and cosiness of the village nestled in aspectacular country

weather : overcast at Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne

ciel couvert
at 4692ft

wind 1mph
gusting to 2mph

Coming to Station de montagne Valmeinier

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


Photos around Station de montagne Valmeinier

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