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Station de montagne Isola 2000

ski station

Station de montagne Isola 2000

Hotels in


ISOLA 2000 starts the summer from mid-june to the beginning of september. The resort means an access to several activities (tennis, swimming-pool, archery, minigolf...) thanks to the "multi loisirs cards. You can buy this weekly card at the tourist office when you arrive. The summer in ISOLA 2000 represents the pleasure to take a rest in a green setting in the heart of the Mercantour park and the Argentera park. You can breathe the pure air of the mountain in a privilege space, an exceptional natural and cultural patrimony which justifies a particular protection. These two parks are also exceptionnal because of the richness of the faun and flora: more than 2000 species of plants (including 200 that are rare), 6300 chamois, 1200 mouflons, 300 ibexes...

weather : light snow at Vinadio

faible chute de neige
at 5906ft

wind 4mph
gusting to 4mph

Coming to Station de montagne Isola 2000

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


Photos around Station de montagne Isola 2000

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Station de montagne La Colmiane

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