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Station de montagne Font-Romeu

ski station

Station de montagne Font-Romeu

Hotels in


With more than 3000 hours of sunshine per year, an altitude of 1800m and an air perfectly pure, Font-Romeu can be proud of its appelation of 'Climatic and sportive' resort, and thanks to its 20000 tourist beds (including 1800 hotelier beds), has been named 'The Queen Resort of the French Pyrenees'.

weather : overcast at Llívia

ciel couvert
at 5577ft
26 to 39°F

wind 6mph
gusting to 8mph

Coming to Station de montagne Font-Romeu

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


Photos around Station de montagne Font-Romeu

Station de montagne Bolquère Pyrénées 2000

Station de montagne Bolquère Pyrénées 2000

Station de montagne Les Angles

Station de montagne Les Angles

Station de montagne La Quillane

Station de montagne La Quillane

Station de montagne Le Cambre d'Aze

Station de montagne Le Cambre d'Aze

Station de montagne Capcir

Station de montagne Capcir

Station de montagne Formiguères

Station de montagne Formiguères

Station de montagne Puigmal 2900

Station de montagne Puigmal 2900

Station de montagne Puyvalador

Station de montagne Puyvalador

Station de montagne Porté Puymorens

Station de montagne Porté Puymorens