Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Paynes Find airport at (Australia)
Paynes Find airport is located near with Yalgoo at 61mi↑, Xantippe at 66mi↑, Perenjori at 69mi↑, Dalwallinu at 73mi↑, Mount Marshall at 75mi↑, Cleary at 82mi↑, Kalannie at 83mi↑, Perenjori at 85mi↑,→ See also Northernmost airports in Australia and Southernmost airports in Australia
→ See also airports in Australia
aerial view of Paynes Find airport
Airport code
- ICAO code : YPYF
- IATA code : -
- Local code : -
Elevation : 353 m = 1158ft
→ See also Highest airports in Australia and Lowest airports in Australia
- runway 10/28 : 1750m = 5741ft
- runway 18/36 : 1280m = 4199ft
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in Australia
Coming to Paynes Find airport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
By plane :
- Karara airport at 59mi : book on
- Mount Magnet airport at 79mi : book on
- Yalgoo airport at 86mi : book on
Aviation weather for Paynes Find airport YPYF
NOTAM for Paynes Find airport
NOTAMs are provided without any guarantee of their topicality. The pilot is the only person responsible for the verification of its validity before using it operationally to prepare a flight or to use it during its navigation.
No NOTAM to our knowledge. Please check with an official source.
Around Paynes Find airport at (Australia)
- Hotels in Yalgoo
- TianAn Rega Hotel (Beijing) at 4779mi↑
- Station de montagne Saint-Moritz at 8468mi↑
- Station de montagne Davos Klosters at 8473mi↑
- Station de montagne Arosa Lenzerheide at 8483mi↑
- Station de montagne Laax at 8499mi↑
- Station de montagne Aletsch Arena at 8549mi↑
- Station de montagne Saas Fee at 8554mi↑
- Station de montagne Grindelwald-Wengen at 8558mi↑
- Station de montagne Zermatt at 8561mi↑
- Station de montagne La Colmiane at 8566mi↑
- Station de montagne Kandersteg-Sunnbüel-Oeschinensee at 8571mi↑
- Station de montagne Isola 2000 at 8571mi↑
- for Paynes Find airport at 0mi↑
- for Rothsay Mine airport at 48mi↑
- for Golden Grove airport at 54mi↑
nearest airports to Paynes Find airport at (Australia)
- Rothsay Mine airport (YROT ) at 48mi↑NOTAM
- Golden Grove airport (YGGE ) at 54mi↑METAR TAF NOTAM
- Karara airport ( KQR AU-0457) at 59mi↑
- Mount Magnet airport (YMOG MMG ) at 79mi↑METAR TAF NOTAM
- Youanmi airport (YOUN ) at 84mi↑METAR TAF
- Kalannie airport (YKAE ) at 84mi↑NOTAM
- Perenjori airport (YPJI ) at 84mi↑
- Yalgoo airport (YYAL YLG ) at 86mi↑NOTAM
- Beacon airport (YBEC ) at 86mi↑
- Dalwallinu airport (YDWU ) at 90mi↑NOTAM
- Gullewa airport (YGUL ) at 94mi↑
- Yuinmery airport (YYUM ) at 95mi↑
→ See also Former airports in Australia
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap