Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Pitka airport at Galena (USA)
Pitka airport is located near Galena, with Ruby at 43mi↑, Huslia at 68mi↑, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area at 139mi↑, Buckland at 148mi↑, Lake Minchumina at 151mi↑, Selawik at 156mi↑, Elephant Point at 164mi↑, Ambler at 164mi↑,→ See also Northernmost airports in USA and Southernmost airports in USA
→ See also airports in USA
aerial view of Pitka airport
Airport code
- ICAO code : PAGA
- IATA code : GAL
- Local code : -
Elevation : 47 m = 154ft
→ See also Highest airports in USA and Lowest airports in USA
- runway 07/25 : 2211m = 7254ft
- runway 06/24 : 849m = 2785ft
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in USA
Coming to Pitka airport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
By plane :
- Pitka airport at 0mi : book on
- Kalakaket Creek AS airport at 22mi : book on
- Koyukuk airport at 25mi : book on
Aviation weather for Pitka airport PAGA GAL
METAR for Pitka airport PAGA GAL
PAGA 301756Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR M33/M36 A3024 RMK AO2 SLP248 T13281361 11328 21367 51010 FZRANO TSNO $
Decoded METAR for Pitka airport PAGA GAL
METAR issued by PAGA on Monday, December 30, 2024 at 17:56 UTC. This is an automatically generated METAR, Warning : this METAR is out of date, issued 62 days and 1494 hours and -89222 minutes ago.
visibility is 16km = 10sm.
The temperature is -33°C = -27°F, dew point is -36°C = -33°F. The air is very humid : relative air humidity is 74%.
QNH is 1024hPa = 30.24inHg
Sky clear.
Remarks : automatic station with precipitation sensor Sea Level Pressure SLP=248 T13281361 11328 21367 51010 freezing rain NO T snow O $
TAF for Pitka airport PAGA GAL
PAGA 301731Z 3018/3118 00000KT P6SM SCT200 WS017/09030KT FM311500 01005KT P6SM OVC100 WS012/09035KT
Decoded TAF for Pitka airport PAGA GAL
TAF issued by PAGA on Monday, December 30, 2024 at 17:31 UTC Warning : this TAF is out of date, issued 62 days and 7 hours and 23 minutes. weather forecast for 24 hours, weather forecast updated every 6 hours.
from Monday, December 30, 2024 à 18:00 heure TU to Tuesday, December 31, 2024 à 15:00 heure UTC
3018/3118 00000KT P6SM SCT200 WS017/09030KT
Visibility is greater than 10km = greater than 6sm.
scattered clouds at 20000ft = 6100m
from Tuesday, December 31, 2024 à 15:00 heure TU to Tuesday, December 31, 2024 à 18:00 heure UTC
FM311500 01005KT P6SM OVC100 WS012/09035KT
wind 5kt = 9km/h, direction is 10°
Visibility is greater than 10km = greater than 6sm.
overcast at 10000ft = 3050m
NOTAM for Pitka airport
Around Pitka airport at Galena (USA)
- Hotels in Ruby
- MoMA (New York) at 3520mi↑
- Renaissance Philadelphia Downtown Hotel (Philadelphia) at 3533mi↑
- TianAn Rega Hotel (Beijing) at 3674mi↑
- Le Matissia (Paris) at 4508mi↑
- Paris at 4510mi↑
- Hotel Monge (Paris) at 4510mi↑
- Hotel Origami (Strasbourg) at 4563mi↑
- Hôtel Cour du Corbeau (Strasbourg) at 4564mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Champ du Feu at 4573mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Lac Blanc at 4591mi↑
- Station de montagne Gerardmer at 4594mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Tanet at 4594mi↑
- for Pitka airport at 0mi↑
- for Kalakaket Creek AS airport at 22mi↑
- for Koyukuk airport at 25mi↑
nearest airports to Pitka airport at Galena (USA)
- Kalakaket Creek AS airport ( KKK 1KC) at 22mi↑
- Koyukuk airport (PFKU KYU ) at 25mi↑NOTAM
- Nulato airport (PANU NUL ) at 34mi↑NOTAM
- Ruby airport (PARY RBY ) at 43mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Kaltag airport (PAKV KAL ) at 61mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Huslia airport (PAHL HSL ) at 69mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Huslia (1952) airport ( US-2918) at 69mi↑defunct airport
- Bear Creek 3 airport ( BCC Z48) at 84mi↑
- Colorado Creek airport ( KCR ) at 86mi↑
- Hog River airport ( HGZ 2AK6) at 109mi↑
- Ophir airport ( Z17) at 111mi↑
- Ungalik Airstrip airport ( US-3034) at 115mi↑defunct airport
→ See also Former airports in USA
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap