Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Orléans-Bricy airport (Base aérienne Orléans-Bricy / BA123) at Orléans Bricy (France)
Orléans-Bricy airport also known asBase aérienne Orléans-Bricyand
BA123is located near Orléans, Bricy, with Boulay-les-Barres at 1mi↑, Bricy at 1mi↑, Gidy at 4mi↑, Ormes at 4mi↑, Patay at 5mi↑, Ingre at 6mi↑, Chevilly at 6mi↑, Saran at 6mi↑,
→ See also Northernmost airports in France and Southernmost airports in France
→ See also airports in France
aerial view of Orléans-Bricy airport
Airport code
- ICAO code : LFOJ
- IATA code : ORE
- Local code : -
Elevation : 126 m = 413ft
→ See also Highest airports in France and Lowest airports in France
- runway 07/25 : 2404m = 7887ft
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in France
Coming to Orléans-Bricy airport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on SNCF Connect
- Cercottes train station at 6mi
- Chevilly train station at 6mi
- La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin train station at 7mi
By plane :
- Orléans-Bricy airport at 0mi : book on
- Toussus-le-Noble airport at 55mi : book on
- Vélizy-Villacoublay airport at 58mi : book on
Aviation weather for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
METAR for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
LFOJ 250330Z AUTO 35007KT 3100 BR OVC011 09/09 Q1020 TEMPO VV/// BECMG 9999 NSW
Decoded METAR for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
METAR issued by LFOJ on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 03:30 UTC. This is an automatically generated METAR, Warning : this METAR is out of date, issued 2 hours and 3 minutes ago.
visibility is 3km = 2mi.
The temperature is 9°C = 48°F, dew point is 9°C = 48°F. The air is saturated with water : relative air humidity is 100%.
QNH is 1020hPa = 30.12inHg
Wind 13km/h = 7kt, direction is 350°.
Clouds : overcast at 1100ft = 340m.
Temporarily VVinability to measure cloud height becoming visibility more than 10 km no significant weather
TAF for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
LFOJ 250200Z 2503/2603 33006KT 2000 BR BKN008 TX13/2515Z TN05/2603Z PROB30 TEMPO 2503/2505 0800 FG VV/// BECMG 2505/2507 9999 NSW BECMG 2509/2511 BKN015
Decoded TAF for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
TAF issued by LFOJ on Monday, March 24, 2025 at 02:00 UTC, issued 3 hours and 33 minutes. weather forecast for 24 hours, weather forecast updated every 6 hours.
from Monday, March 24, 2025 à 03:00 heure TU to Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 05:00 heure UTC
2503/2603 33006KT 2000 BR BKN008 TX13/2515Z TN05/2603Z
wind 6kt = 11km/h, direction is 330°
Visibility is 2km = 1mi.
broken at 800ft = 240m
probability of 30% to have temporarily from Monday, March 24, 2025 à 03:00 heure TU to Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 05:00 heure UTC
PROB30 TEMPO 2503/2505 0800 FG VV///
Visibility is 1km = 0mi, there's fog.
VV0ft = 0m
becoming from Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 07:00 heure TU to Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 09:00 heure UTC
BECMG 2505/2507 9999 NSW
no significant weather
Visibility is greater than 10km = greater than 6mi.
becoming from Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 11:00 heure TU to Tuesday, March 25, 2025 à 03:00 heure UTC
BECMG 2509/2511 BKN015
broken at 1500ft = 460m
VAC for Orléans-Bricy airport LFOJ ORE
The Visual Approach Chart (VAC Visual Approach Chart) is provided without any guarantee of its timeliness. The pilot is the only person responsible for the verification of its validity before using it operationally to prepare a flight or to use it during its navigation.
NOTAM for Orléans-Bricy airport
Around Orléans-Bricy airport (Base aérienne Orléans-Bricy / BA123) at Orléans Bricy (France)
- Hotels in Boulay-les-Barres
- Hotel Monge (Paris) at 65mi↑
- Paris at 66mi↑
- Le Matissia (Paris) at 67mi↑
- Station de montagne Pessade at 171mi↑
- Station de montagne Cap Guéry at 171mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Mont Dore at 176mi↑
- Station de montagne Chastreix Sancy at 176mi↑
- Station de montagne Super Besse at 179mi↑
- Station de montagne Col de la Loge at 182mi↑
- Station de montagne Chalmazel at 187mi↑
- Station de montagne Col des Supeyres at 193mi↑
- Station de montagne Prabouré at 195mi↑
- for Orléans-Bricy airport at 0mi↑
- for Cravant les Lilas airport at 12mi↑
- for Santilly airport at 13mi↑
nearest airports to Orléans-Bricy airport (Base aérienne Orléans-Bricy / BA123) at Orléans Bricy (France)
- Cravant les Lilas ultralight airfield ( LF4558) at 12mi↑
- Santilly ultralight airfield ( LF2825) at 13mi↑
- Mézières lez Cléry ultralight airfield ( LF4563) at 13mi↑
- La Source heliport ( FR-0063) at 13mi↑
- Mardié ultralight airfield ( LF4555) at 15mi↑
- Voves Viabon ultralight airfield ( LF2829) at 16mi↑
- Châteaudun airport (LFOC ) at 18mi↑TAF NOTAM
- Beaugency ultralight airfield ( LF4553) at 19mi↑
- Ligny ultralight airfield ( LF4524) at 20mi↑
- Orléans-Saint-Denis-de-l'Hốtel airport (LFOZ ) at 20mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Du Le Gault-Saint-Denis ultralight airfield ( FR-0501) at 20mi↑
- Pithiviers airport (LFFP ) at 23mi↑NOTAM
→ See also Former airports in France
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap