Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport at Aktau (Kazakhstan)
Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport is located near Aktau, with Aktau at 4mi↑, Omirzaq at 9mi↑, Segendy at 13mi↑, Kuryk at 43mi↑, Taushyq at 48mi↑, Zhetibay at 48mi↑, Munayshy at 51mi↑, Shetpe at 60mi↑,→ See also Northernmost airports in Kazakhstan and Southernmost airports in Kazakhstan
→ See also heliports in Kazakhstan
aerial view of Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport
Airport code
- ICAO code : -
- IATA code : -
- Local code : KZ-0093
Elevation : -26 m = -85ft
→ See also Highest airports in Kazakhstan and Lowest airports in Kazakhstan
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in Kazakhstan
Coming to Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
By plane :
- Aktau airport at 12mi : book on
- Makhachkalu airport at 185mi : book on
- Zabrat airport at 228mi : book on
Aviation weather for Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport KZ-0093
No METAR for Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport
but aviation weather is available at Aktau airport (UATE) at 12mi↑
No TAF for Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport
but aviation weather is available at Aktau airport (UATE) at 12mi↑
Around Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport at Aktau (Kazakhstan)
- Hotels in Aktau
- Station de montagne Davos Klosters at 1998mi↑
- Station de montagne Saint-Moritz at 2001mi↑
- Station de montagne Arosa Lenzerheide at 2008mi↑
- Station de montagne Laax at 2023mi↑
- Hôtel Cour du Corbeau (Strasbourg) at 2075mi↑
- Hotel Origami (Strasbourg) at 2076mi↑
- Station de montagne Aletsch Arena at 2082mi↑
- Station de montagne Grindelwald-Wengen at 2086mi↑
- Station de montagne Saas Fee at 2094mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Champ du Feu at 2099mi↑
- Station de montagne Kandersteg-Sunnbüel-Oeschinensee at 2102mi↑
- Station de montagne Zermatt at 2105mi↑
- for Aktau Summer Sea Residence airport at 0mi↑
- for Aktau Summer Sea Harbor airport at 0mi↑
- for Aktau airport at 12mi↑
nearest airports to Aktau Summer Sea Residence heliport at Aktau (Kazakhstan)
- Aktau Summer Sea Harbor heliport ( KZ-0094) at 0mi↑
- Aktau airport (UATE SCO ) at 12mi↑METAR TAF NOTAM
- Ikum heliport ( KZ-0123) at 35mi↑
- ERSAI heliport ( KZ-0122) at 41mi↑
- Shelpe Southeast airport ( KZ-0054) at 63mi↑
- Akku Hotel Complex heliport ( KZ-0126) at 72mi↑
- Teniz Hotel heliport ( KZ-0125) at 74mi↑
- Bautino East heliport ( KZ-0117) at 74mi↑
- Bautino Port heliport ( KZ-0124) at 75mi↑
- Zhanaozen airport ( KZ-0017) at 94mi↑
- Kendirli Recreation Center heliport ( KZ-0121) at 98mi↑
- Buzachi airport ( KZ-0005) at 105mi↑
→ See also Former airports in Kazakhstan
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap