Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Saurimo airport at Saurimo (Angola)
Saurimo airport is located near Saurimo, with Tchahungo at 2mi↑, Saurimo at 3mi↑, Lunda Sul at 42mi↑, Lucapa at 90mi↑, Cazaji at 97mi↑, Locoquicha at 128mi↑, Lumeje at 131mi↑, Leua at 135mi↑,→ See also Northernmost airports in Angola and Southernmost airports in Angola
→ See also airports in Angola
aerial view of Saurimo airport
Airport code
- ICAO code : FNSA
- IATA code : VHC
- Local code : -
Elevation : 1092 m = 3583ft
→ See also Highest airports in Angola and Lowest airports in Angola
- runway 14/32 : 3400m = 11155ft
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in Angola
Coming to Saurimo airport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
By plane :
- Saurimo airport at km : book on
- Catoca airport at 20mi : book on
- Lucapa airport at 88mi : book on
Aviation weather for Saurimo airport FNSA VHC
No METAR for Saurimo airport
but aviation weather is available at Luena airport (FNUE) at 148mi↑
TAF for Saurimo airport FNSA VHC
FNSA 231100Z 2312/2324 17004KT 9999 FEW020
Decoded TAF for Saurimo airport FNSA VHC
TAF issued by FNSA on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 11:00 UTC Warning : this TAF is out of date, issued 306 days and 23 hours and 51 minutes. weather forecast for 12 hours, weather forecast updated every 6 hours.
from Thursday, May 23, 2024 à 12:00 heure TU to Thursday, May 23, 2024 à 00:00 heure UTC
2312/2324 17004KT 9999 FEW020
wind 4kt = 7km/h, direction is 170°
Visibility is greater than 10km = greater than 6mi.
few clouds at 2000ft = 610m
NOTAM for Saurimo airport
Around Saurimo airport at Saurimo (Angola)
- Hotels in Tchahungo
- Station de montagne La Molina at 3780mi↑
- Station de montagne Puigmal 2900 at 3783mi↑
- Station de montagne Le Cambre d'Aze at 3786mi↑
- Station de montagne Capcir at 3789mi↑
- Station de montagne Bolquère Pyrénées 2000 at 3790mi↑
- Station de montagne La Quillane at 3790mi↑
- Station de montagne Font-Romeu at 3790mi↑
- Station de montagne Les Angles at 3793mi↑
- Station de montagne Gréolières-les-Neiges at 3793mi↑
- Station de montagne La Rabassa at 3795mi↑
- Station de montagne Formiguères at 3796mi↑
- Station de montagne Porté Puymorens at 3797mi↑
- for Saurimo airport at km↑
- for Catoca airport at 20mi↑
- for Nova Chaves airport at 87mi↑
nearest airports to Saurimo airport at Saurimo (Angola)
- Catoca airport ( CTV AO-0001) at 20mi↑
- Cacolo airport (FNCC ) at 83mi↑NOTAM
- Nova Chaves airport ( AO-0026) at 87mi↑defunct airport
- Lucapa airport (FNLK LBZ ) at 88mi↑NOTAM
- Dala airport ( AO-0030) at 95mi↑
- Cazaje airport ( AO-0031) at 97mi↑defunct airport
- Lumeje airport ( AO-0024) at 132mi↑
- Luacano airport ( AO-0023) at 134mi↑
- Chipato airport ( AO-0025) at 137mi↑
- Camaxilo airport (FNCX CXM ) at 137mi↑NOTAM
- Capenda Camulemba airport ( AO-0041) at 137mi↑
- Xassengue airport ( AO-0042) at 140mi↑
→ See also Former airports in Angola
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap