Airport information, from map to hotels via aeronautical information. And the aeronautical weather for the pilots with current weather and short-term forecasts with METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report, observation message of meteorological conditions for aviation) and TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast: short-term forecast message of meteorological conditions for aviation ). And other resources such as VAC (Visual Approach Chart) to prepare flights.
Salluit airport at Salluit (Canada)
Salluit airport is located near Salluit, with Salluit at 2mi↑, Ivujivik at 74mi↑, Akulivik at 127mi↑, Kangiqsujuaq at 127mi↑, Cape Dorset at 145mi↑, Puvirnituq at 158mi↑, Kimmirut at 190mi↑, Quaqtaq at 214mi↑,→ See also Northernmost airports in Canada and Southernmost airports in Canada
→ See also airports in Canada
aerial view of Salluit airport
Airport code
- ICAO code : CYZG
- IATA code : YZG
- Local code : -
Elevation : 226 m = 741ft
→ See also Highest airports in Canada and Lowest airports in Canada
- runway 04/22 : 1067m = 3501ft
→ See also Airports with Longest runways in Canada
Coming to Salluit airport
Taxi : book on Taxi Booking
Rent a car : book on Rentalcars
By train : book on
By plane :
- Salluit airport at 0mi : book on
- Ivujivik airport at 74mi : book on
- Donaldson airport at 84mi : book on
Aviation weather for Salluit airport CYZG YZG
METAR for Salluit airport CYZG YZG
CYZG 072200Z 05007KT 12SM -SN BKN019 M17/M20 A2970 RMK SC7 LAST STFD OBS/NEXT 081300 UTC SLP089
Decoded METAR for Salluit airport CYZG YZG
METAR issued by CYZG on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 22:00 UTC, Warning : this METAR is out of date, issued 19 hours and 8 minutes ago.
visibility is 19km = 12sm.
The temperature is -17°C = 1°F, dew point is -20°C = -4°F. The air is very humid : relative air humidity is 77%.
QNH is 1006hPa = 29.7inHg
Wind 13km/h = 7kt, direction is 50°.
Clouds : broken at 1900ft = 580m.
light snow
Remarks : SC7 LAST STFD OBS/NEXT 081300 UTC Sea Level Pressure SLP=089
No TAF for Salluit airport
but aviation weather is available at Ivujivik airport (CYIK) at 74mi↑
NOTAM for Salluit airport
Around Salluit airport at Salluit (Canada)
- Hotels in Salluit
- MoMA (New York) at 1481mi↑
- Renaissance Philadelphia Downtown Hotel (Philadelphia) at 1536mi↑
- Le Matissia (Paris) at 2979mi↑
- Paris at 2980mi↑
- Hotel Monge (Paris) at 2981mi↑
- Cité du Vin (Bordeaux) at 3100mi↑
- Hôtel de Tourny (Bordeaux) at 3100mi↑
- Bordeaux at 3100mi↑
- Hôtel Cardinal (Bordeaux) at 3100mi↑
- Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Bilbao) at 3109mi↑
- Vieux Boucau at 3130mi↑
- Hôtel La Côte d'Argent (Vieux-Boucau) at 3130mi↑
- for Salluit airport at 0mi↑
- for Deception airport at 36mi↑
- for Esker Lake airport at 49mi↑
nearest airports to Salluit airport at Salluit (Canada)
- Deception airport ( CA-0112) at 36mi↑defunct airport
- Esker Lake airport ( CA-0129) at 49mi↑defunct airport
- Purtuniq airport ( CA-0301) at 61mi↑defunct airport
- Ivujivik airport (CYIK YIK ) at 74mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Donaldson airport ( YAU CTP9) at 84mi↑
- Akulivik airport (CYKO AKV ) at 125mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Kangiqsujuaq (Wakeham Bay) airport (CYKG YWB ) at 128mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Cape Dorset airport (CYTE YTE ) at 144mi↑METAR TAF NOTAM
- Cape Dorset Water airport ( CA-0672) at 145mi↑defunct airport
- Puvirnituq airport (CYPX YPX ) at 157mi↑METAR TAF NOTAM
- Kimmirut airport (CYLC YLC ) at 190mi↑METAR NOTAM
- Quaqtaq airport (CYHA YQC ) at 213mi↑TAF NOTAM
→ See also Former airports in Canada
Data sources
- Infos générales : AVWX, France FFPLUM
- Météo générale : Openweathermap et AVWX
- VAC : France DGAC/SIA, Espagne ENAIRE, Belgique SKEYES
- Aerial maps : Google Maps, Microsoft Bing ou OpenStreetMap